2000, Rivière-Ouelle

The monument set up in memory of Jean Pelletier and Anne Langlois, in the cemetery of Rivirè-Ouelle, was installed at the entry in a location especially arranged "to remember our ancestral families".

Jean and Anne Langlois were buried in this cematary.

Jean Pelletier

1627 - 1698

Anne Langlois

1637 - 1704

September 2 2022, 11 AM

Under a radiant sun, representatives of the Pelletier Family Association gathered at the Maison Tessier-Laplante to mark the replacement of the commemorative plaque of the arrival and installation of Guillaume Pelletier and his family on land in Beauport (district of Courville), one of the founding families of greater Beauport.

It is with the collaboration of the Société d'Art et d'Histoire de Beauport (SAHB) as well as the financial and professional contribution of the heritage department of the City of Quebec that we were able to replace the missing plaque. We would like to thank them and express our gratitude to them. 

Carmen St-Pierre, Yvan Pelletier, Sylvie Tremblay, Jacques Pelletier, 

Rémi Pelletier, Sylvie Picard-Pelletier et Diane Pelletier  

July 7, 2021 – 1:30 PM.

Under the chairmanship of the “Parcours Fil Rouge”, in the person of Mrs. Doris Girard, we were invited to the unveiling of three new Family Markers located on the ancestral lands of ancestors Michaud-Asselin, Lévesque-Chevalier and Pelletier-Langlois. 

The Pelletier family was proudly represented by seven members of the board of directors. Our delegation jointly attended the three unveilings, which was a great time to discover parts of the history attached to each one by getting to know other pioneer families from the beautiful region of Kamouraska and La Pocatière.

The unveiling of the Pelletier-Langlois family marker took place at 334 Route de la Seigneurie on the ancestral land of Jean Pelletier which adjoins that of his son Charles Pelletier in St-Roch-des-Aulnaies. A representative of the Pelletier family of that address was present and proud to reveal your family marker to us. Rémi Pelletier, president of the Pelletier families Association, gave a presentation on the history of this pioneer family. The site quite magnificent and the family marker can be seen from the road. A small stone dust pavement brings us to it. The base at the foot of the marker makes it easier to stand up to read the text and capture the QR code. We can say that this place is bucolic, warm with this grove of plants and flowers arranged just behind the marker. 

At these three unveilings were present the mayors, the presidents of family associations, an appointed photographer, the members of the different families. The municipalities had contributed to the development of the land receiving the family marker posts.

October 23, 1998 - St-Roch-des-Aulnaies.

It is interesting to mention that the beautiful stone which is used as support to the commemorative plaque comes from the farm "Beaux-Prés" of St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, which belongs to Real and Placide Pelletier. It thus comes from the ground having belonged to the ancestor Jean.

That day, the president of the Pelletier family Association Inc, Denis Pelletier, accompanied by about thirty guests, revealed a memorial to the establishment of the ancestor Jean Pelletier to the "Grande-Anse", and more precisely in St-Roch-des-Aulnaies.

The plaque was fixed on a stone monument which the Association had set up on August 7, 1998, prior to its 12th annual rallying, on the site of the seigneurial manor and of its communal mill. The commemorative stele was installed beside the one which was set up in the honor of Pierre St-Pierre, the other pioneer of St-Roch-des-Aulnaies..

In his speech, the president recalled that not only Jean Pelletier and Pierre St-Pierre had been, in 1679, the only two pioneers of St-Roch-des-Aulnaies, but also that the Pelletier and St-Pierre families were the only ones to live there for about fifteen years. This is why no other monument will be set up on the site of the domain.

September 8, 1991 - Beauport

On its fifth annual gathering, the Association, accompanied with the mayor of Beauport, Mr. Jacques Langlois, revealed a memorial to the memory of their ancestor, Guillaume Pelletier. More than 500 Pelletier celebrated the 350e anniversary of his arrival in New-France.

 The ceremonies of the official inauguration of the commemorative memorial were done near the Tessier-Laplante House in Courville (2328 Ave Royale, Beauport, Qc), N46 53.098, W71 09.478, that is to say it's the place where Guillaume Pelletier, his wife Michele Mabille and their son Jean were established in 1641. Conceded by the first lord of Beauport, Robert Giffard, the ancestral land of the Pelletier had a width of 6 arpents facing the St. Lawrence river and extended in-depth to the Montmagny river. An interesting fact to underline, today you'll find two churches on the land, that of Saint-Louis de Courville and Saint-Grégoire de Montmorency.

The province of Quebec toponymy commission, responsible for the management of the place names, agreed to the request of association officialize the toponym "Brésolettes" which will indicate this site henceforth.

This new denomination will point out the birthplace of Guillaume Pelletier. According to the writer Robert Prévost, Bresolettes was the  smallest of the communes of the old county of the Perche and the father of Guillaume, Éloi, had established residence there to exert the trade of coalman.

© Association des Familles Pelletier Inc.